PhilHealth Zbenefit Documents

 Self-Assessment Tools

Pre-Authorization And Claims Reimbursement

Breast Cancer
  • I. Requirements when filing claims for Diagnostic Tests and Prognostication of Breast Cancer
  • Annex H: Transmittal Form
  • Annex A.1: Checklist of Eligibility Criteria for Diagnostic Tests and Prognostication – Breast Cancer
  • Annex C.1. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Diagnostics and Prognostication
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.1. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Diagnostic Tests and Prognostication

  • II. Requirements for Pre-authorization
  • Annex A.2: Pre-authorization Checklist and Request Form
  • Annex B: Member Empowerment (ME) Form

  • III. Requirements for submission of claims for reimbursement
  • A. When filing claims for surgical procedure of breast cancer

  • Annex H: Transmittal Form
  • Annex C.2. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Surgery
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • C. When filing claims for chemotherapy of breast cancer

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.3. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Chemotherapy
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.3. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Chemotherapy
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • D. Hormonotherapy
    D.1. When filing claims for Hormonotherapy: Tranche 1

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.4.1. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Hormonotherapy Tranche 1
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.4.1. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Hormonotherapy Tranche 1
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • D.2. When filing claims for Hormonotherapy: Tranche 2

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.4.2.Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Hormonotherapy Tranche 2
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.4.2.Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Hormonotherapy Tranche 2
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • E. Targeted Therapy
    E.1. When filing claims for Targeted Therapy: Tranche 1

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.5.1. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Targeted Therapy - Tranche 1
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.5.1. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Targeted Therapy Tranche 1
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • E.2. When filing claims for Targeted Therapy: Tranche 2

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.5.2. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Targeted Therapy - Tranche 2
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.5.2.Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Targeted Therapy Tranche 2
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • E.3. When filing claims for Targeted Therapy: Tranche 3

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.5.3. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Targeted Therapy - Tranche 3
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.5.3. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Targeted Therapy Tranche 3
  • Annex F: Breast Cancer Treatment Passport
  • F. When filing claims for surveillance of breast cancer

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Annex C.6. Checklist of Mandatory and Other Services for Surveillance
  • Annex D: Z Satisfaction Questionnaire
  • Annex E.6. Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement – Surveillance
  • G. Patient transfer

  • Annex G: Checklist for Patient Transfer
  • Annex I: Letter of Intent for Transfer to a Contracted Health Facility
  • H. Sample Claim Form (CF) 2

  • Annex J.1. Diagnostic Tests or Prognostication
  • Annex J.2. Surgery
  • Annex J.3. Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
  • Annex J.4.1. Hormonotherapy Tranche 1
  • Annex J.4.2. Hormonotherapy Tranche 2
  • Annex J.5.1. Targeted Therapy Tranche 1
  • Annex J.5.2. Targeted Therapy Tranche 2
  • Annex J.5.3. Targeted Therapy Tranche 3
  • Annex J.6. Surveillance
  • I. Other Documents

  • Annex K: Pathway of the Benefits Availment of Z Benefits for Breast Cancer
  • Annex L: Breast Cancer Treatment Protocols
  • Annex M: Breast Cancer Medical Records Summary Form
  • Annex N: Outcome Indicators
  • Annex O: Guide on Co-payment Proposal of the Z Benefits Package for Breast Cancer
  • Rectal Cancer
  • I. Requirements for Pre-authorization
  • A. Pre-authorization Checklist and Request (Annex A)
  • B. Member Empowerment Form (Annex B)

  • II. Requirement for submission of claims for reimbursement
  • A. Rectum Cancer Stage I (clinical and pathologic stage):
  • When claiming for reimbursement: Rectum Cancer Stage I (clinical and pathologic stage) - (Single tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E1.1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C1.1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • B. Rectum cancer pre-operative clinical stage I with post-operative pathologic stage II - III
  • 1. When claiming for Tranche 1, Rectum cancer pre-operative clinical stage I with post-operative pathologic stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E1.2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C1.2)
  • Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • 2. When claiming for Tranche 2, Rectum cancer pre-operative clinical stage I with post-operative pathologic stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E2.2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C2.2)
  • Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • 3. When claiming for Tranche 3, Rectum cancer pre-operative clinical stage I with post-operative pathologic stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E3.2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C3.2)
  • Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • C. Rectum cancer pre-treatment clinical stage II - III
  • 1. When claiming for Tranche 1, Rectum cancer pre-treatment clinical stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E1.3)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C1.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • 2. When claiming for Tranche 2, Rectum cancer pre-treatment clinical stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E2.3)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C2.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • 3. When claiming for Tranche 3, Rectum cancer pre-treatment clinical stage II - III

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Tranche Requirements Checklist (Annex E3.3)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services and other services (Annex C3.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Expanded ZMORPH
  • I. Prior to availment of the Benefit
  • Pre-Authorization checklist for Expanded ZMORPH for Upper and Lower Limb Prosthesis (Annex A1)
  • Member Empowerment Form (Annex B)

  • II. When filing for Tranche 1
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E1-EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 1 for Lower Limb Prosthesis (Annex C1.1 - EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 1 for Upper Limb Prosthesis (Annex C1.2 - EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • III. When filing for Tranche 2
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2 - EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 2 (Annex C2-EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Outcome Indicators (Annex G)

  • For Expanded ZMORPH for Lower Limb Orthosis

  • I. Prior to availment of the Benefit
  • Pre-Authorization Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH for Lower Limb Orthosis (Annex A2)
  • ME Form (Annex B)
  • II. When filing for Tranche 1
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E1-EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 1 for Lower Limb Orthosis (Annex C1.3 - EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • III. When filing for Tranche 2
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2 - EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 2 (Annex C2-EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Outcome Indicators (Annex G)

  • For Expanded ZMORPH for Spinal Orthosis

  • I. Prior to availment of the Benefit
  • Pre-Authorization chcklist for Expanded ZMORPH for Spinal Orthosis (Annex A3)
  • ME Form (Annex B)
  • II. When filing for Tranche 1
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E1-EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 1 for Spinal Orthosis (Annex C1.4 - EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Outcome Indicators (Annex G)
  • III. When filing for Tranche 2
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2 - EMORPH)
  • Discharge Checklist for Expanded ZMORPH Tranche 2 (Annex C2-EMORPH)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Outcome Indicators (Annex G)
  • Z Benefits for Children with Mobility Impairment
  • Prior to availment of the Z Benefits
  • A. Pre-authorization Checklist and Request (Annex A)
  • B. Member Empowerment Form (Annex B)

  • II. Assistive Device Provision, Training and Rehabilitation
  • A. When claiming for assessment, prescription, casting and measurement of the assistive device (1st Tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 1) (Annex E1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Mobility Impairment (Tranche 1) (Annex C1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • B. When claiming for assistive device fitting and mobility training (2nd Tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 2) (Annex E2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Mobility Impairment (Tranche 2) (Annex C2)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of Completed Training on the Safe and Functional use of the Device (Annex J)
  • C. When claiming for rehabilitation services (3rd tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Mobility Impairment (Tranche 3) (Annex E3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of outcomes after rehabilitation session (Annex K)

  • III. Assistive device repair, replacement and yearly service

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirement for Reimbursement Mobility Impairment Yearly Services and Replacement (Annex E)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Mobility Impairment Yearly Services and Replacement (Annex C)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Z Benefits for Children with Developmental Disabilities
  • I. Prior to availment of the Z Benefits
  • A. Pre-authorization Checklist and Request (Annex A)
  • B. Member Empowerment Form (Annex B)

  • II. Initial Assessment
  • A. When claiming for Initial Assessment from a Medical Specialist (1st Tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 1) (Annex E1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Developmental Disabilities (Tranche 1) (Annex C1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of Assessment and recommendations(Annex J)
  • B. When claiming for Initial Assessment from a Rehabilitation Therapist/Allied Health Professional (2nd Tranche, if applicable)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 2) (Annex E2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Developmental (Tranche 2) (Annex C2)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of Assessment and recommendations(Annex J)

  • III. When claiming for Rehabilitation Tranches (up to 9 claims)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement Z Benefits for Children with Developmental Disabilities Rehabilitation Therapy (Annex E)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Developmental Disabilities Rehabilitation Therapy (Annex C)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • IV. Discharge Assessment
  • A. When claiming for Discharge Assessment from a Rehabilitation Therapist/Allied Health Professional (1st tranche, if applicable)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 1) (Annex E1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Developmental Disabilities (Tranche 1) (Annex C1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of Assessment and recommendations(Annex J)
  • B. When claiming for Discharge Assessment from a Medical Specialist (2nd tranche)

  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Tranche 2) (Annex E2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services Z Benefits for Children with Developmental (Tranche 2) (Annex C2)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
  • Certificate of Assessment and recommendations(Annex J)
  • Z Benefits for Visual Disabilities
  • I. Prior to availment of the Z Benefits
  • A. Pre-authorization Checklist and Request (Annex A)
  • B. Member Empowerment Form (Annex B)

  • II. Category 1
  • A. Initial Assessment and Intervention
  • 1. When claiming for initial assessment and intervention (Tranche 1)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E1.1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C1.1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 2. When claiming for appropriate assistive device (add-on) (Tranche 2)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2.1)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C2.1)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 3. When claiming for other services including training and rehabilitation (Tranche 3)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E3.1)
  • Certificate of Training and Rehabilitation (Annex J)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • B. Yearly Diagnostics
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E.4)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • III. Category 2, 3, 4
  • A. Initial Assessment and Intervention
  • 1. When claiming for initial assessment and intervention (Tranche 1)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E1.2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C1.2)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 2. When claiming for appropriate assistive device (add-on) (Tranche 2)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2.2)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C2.2)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 3. When claiming for other services including training and rehabilitation (Tranche 3)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E3.2)
  • Certificate of Training and Rehabilitation (Annex J)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • B. Yearly Diagnostics
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E.4)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • C. Electronic assistive device replacement
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C.4)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • IV. Category 5
  • A. Initial Assessment and Intervention
  • 1. When claiming for initial assessment and intervention (Tranche 1)
  • Transmittal Form (Annex H)
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E1.3)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C1.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 2. When claiming for appropriate assistive device (add-on) (Tranche 2)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E2.3)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C2.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • 3. When claiming for other services including training and rehabilitation (Tranche 3)
  • Checklist of requirements for reimbursement (Annex E3.3) Certificate of Training and Rehabilitation (Annex J)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • B. Yearly Follow up Consultations
  • Checklist of Requirements for Reimbursement (Annex E.4)
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C.3)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)

  • C. Electronic assistive device replacement
  • Checklist of Mandatory Services (Annex C.4)
  • Z Satisfaction Questionnaire (Annex D)
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