This contains information on SSS services including a knowledgebase where you can find answers to your questions. It also serves as a guide.
Monthly Contributions
Generate Payment Reference Number (PRN)
PRN for Payment
For FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) go here.
For more information, go to their Facebook Page.
For SSS contribution table effective 2023, go here
How to register online go here
How to reset password go here
How to get an SSS number online
- Visit the SSS Website: Click the icon: NO SS NUMBER YET? APPLY ONLINE!
- Accomplish all fields of the online form correctly and click SUBMIT
Note: A link shall be sent to the registered email, which will enable the registrant to continue with the SS Number application.
- After clicking on the link, supply all required information from Basic Information up to Beneficiaries Information correctly.
- Prior to the generation of an SS Number, review and correct the electronically filled out registration form.
- Click the "Generate SS Number" button then wait for the system to display the generated SS Number and an option to print the ePersonal Record Form and SS Number Slip. The registrant will also receive an email confirmation indicating the generated SS Number, a copy of the SS Number Slip, and further instructions on completing the application.
- Print the ePersonal Record Form, SS Number Slip, and the SS Number Application Confirmation email body sent to you by the SS Number Issuance System.
- Go to the nearest SSS Branch and submit your printed records together with the required documentary requirements.
- If married, bring a copy of your Marriage Contract/Certificate
- If with child(ren), also bring a copy(ies) of the Birth Certificate(s)
- For Non-Working Spouse, your working spouse must sign before his/her name on the printed ePersonal Record Form.
The signature will signify that your spouse agrees with your SSS membership.
The registrant's membership status with SSS shall remain "Temporary" until the required supporting documents have been submitted to the nearest SSS Branch.
Submission of required documents will convert the registrant?s membership status with SSS from "Temporary" to "Permanent".
Availment of loans and benefits (subject to qualifying conditions) and UMID card application (with at least one posted contribution) will be allowed only for "Permanent" membership status.
Reminders: The registrant's membership status with SSS shall remain "Temporary" until the required supporting documents have been submitted to the nearest SSS Branch. Submission of required documents will convert the registrant?s membership status with SSS from "Temporary" to "Permanent". Availment of loans and benefits (subject to qualifying conditions) and UMID card application (with at least one posted contribution) will be allowed only for "Permanent" membership status. |